
The folklore group Javornik Brno was founded in 1950s. Its origin and place of activities is in the Czech Republic , the region of Moravia , the town called Brno . It unites people aged 20 and more who are interested in folk dance and folk song. The dancing section of the folklore group in their folk costumes is supported by music which includes a first violin, a third violin, a violin and a viola contra, a clarinet, a double bass, and a cimbalom.

Javornik Brno presents dances and songs from the regions of Walachia and Moravian Kopanice to the folk art lovers. The base of the repertoire lies in the recordings from the group’s research journeys around Walachia, which were taken by the first members soon after Javornik was founded. These gathered materials were transformed into the dance shows and processed for the music band. They are now part of the public performances during individual shows or at the festivals.

In 1982, Javornik was awarded the European Prize For Folk Art for their collecting and interpreting activities. All activities are done by the members of Javornik during their free time outside their work or studies. Besides their public performances, Javornik has made several radio and TV shows, and has published CDs and DVDs with their own repertoire. Javornik thus preserves the traditional folk art for further generations.

javorník Brno